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digital check-in

In addition to the reception check-in during opening hours, we do offer you two possibilities for your digital check-in. Simple, fast and at any time, even outside opening hours.

Online check-in

Use our web-App guest system. You get access with your booking confirmation. Please pre enter your data and on the day of arrival you can independently check in digitally at from 3 pm. With your room number and all access codes you can simply arrive whenever you want.

Digital check-in Video

Zeitwohnhaus Check-in-Kiosk

Check-in Kiosk

You will arrive much later than planned and without a digital check-in?! No problem. Use our check-in kiosk at the entrance to the hotel. Here you can do your digital check-in and you will receive your room number and all access codes for the hotel.

Check-in Kiosk Video

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